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 Dwarf Fortress File Depot » Utilities » Utility Plugins for UI Improvement
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File Listing: Utility Plugins for UI Improvement
Last Updated: Jun 22, 2014, 06:20:14 pm
First Created: Dec 22, 2012, 07:27:31 am
File version: 0.49
For DF version: 0.34.11
Downloads: 6,340 (28,034) Size: 1.28 MB
Views: 5,987 (21,388) Type: ZIP
Home:  Bay12 Thread
Rating (6 votes): 5.0 / 5.0
A collection of utility plugins for DFHack version 0.34.11 r5 that focus on improving the usability of some of the interface screens. None of these plugins change the game's behaviour in any way, they only add to the interface. To install, copy the * files for the plugins you want into "<your df folder>\hack\plugins". You will then need to enable these plugins in dfhack.init. This command will enable them all:

enable dwarfmonitor mousequery autotrade buildingplan resume zone getplants search automaterial stocks autodump automelt

Plugins are included for Windows, Linux and OSX.

These plugins will only work on the latest version of DFHack (r5) downloaded from the DFHack thread.

Detailed information for each plugin, including screenshots, can be found at the forum threads linked to in each descriptions below, or go to Main Thread.


Add OSX plugins.

Build for DFHack r5.

Buildingplan can now auto allocate specified rooms to noble positions.

DwarfMonitor now shows current date and weather in game's border.

Disable mouse tracking when linking levers.

Fix automelt crash.

Content Description

Plugin File: search.plug
Adds search functionality to many screens.

Plugin File: buildingplan.plug
Version: 0.14
Allows you to place furniture (beds, chairs, etc) before they are built. The building will remain in "suspended construction" state until a suitable item is available, at which point the closest available item will be allocated to it and construction will resume automatically. You can set filters for quality, materials and decorations.

Also allows reserving rooms for noble positions (e.g. auto assiging a room to the current mayor).

Plugin File: automaterial.plug
Version: 0.11
A plugin that makes building constructions a bit easier by adding the following features:
* Moves the last used material to the top of the material list
* Allows you to assign certain materials for "auto-selected" in future construction
* Enables rectangular selection for placing constructions, the way designations are done
* Allows the designations if "future" constructions, i.e. allocating new constructions in open space or adjacent to constructions not yet built. This allows you to designate an entire structure in one sitting, instead of having to wait till each section is built before

Plugin File: stocks.plug
Version: 0.12
Adds an alternative stocks interface, which should make it a bit faster to find items. It includes a single searchable list with multiple indicators and filters. Add a keybinding to dfhack.init similar to:
keybinding add Ctrl-K@dwarfmode/Default "stocks show"
and use that keybinding to open the screen. The screen can also be opened from a stockpile query screen to view the items of just that stockpile.

Plugin File: zone.plug
Version: 0.2
This plugin adds search and filtering functionality to the list that you get when you go to assign creatures to a Pen/Pasture/Pit/Pond. It adds a free text search option, as well as the ability to filter out non grazing animals and animals already in a pasture.

Plugin File: autotrade.plug
Version: 0.4
Allows you to tag selected stockpiles, so that whenever caravans arrives, items in those stockpiles will automatically be marked for hauling to the trade depot. Checking will be done every half a day. Also adds (un)mark all options to trade screen.

Plugin File: autodump.plug
Version: 0.1
Adds functionality to this existing plugin to allow designating stockpiles for "auto dumping". Any items in these piles will get marked for dumping.

Plugin File: automelt.plug
Version: 0.3
Allows designating stockpiles for "auto melting". Any suitable items in these piles will get marked for melting.

Plugin File: mousequery.plug
Version: 0.18
A plugin that allows you to use the mouse to click on items, creatures, buildings, etc and have the game open the appropriate query menu for it, in a context sensitive fashion. Allows moving the cursor with the mouse and left clicking to simulate an Enter keypress. Further, hovering over a tile with the mouse cursor displays a live query of objects at that location in the menu pane.

Plugin File: resume.plug
Version: 0.2
When enabled, displays a colour coded "X" over buildings and constructions that are suspended, making them easier to spot. The plugin also provides a command to resume all suspended buildings. Type "resume" in the DFHack console for usage instructions.

Plugin File: dwarfmonitor.plug
Version: 0.9
When enabled, tracks all work and leisure activity in the fortress every 100 ticks over a rolling window of 7 days (by default). This data can be displayed ingame, to show how much time is spent in the fort on each activity, as a percentage. The data can also be displayed per dwarf, telling you what they've been doing and how much time they have spent on each activity.

Additionally, the plugin can:
* show a live overlay in the game margin showing happiness levels of your citizens.
* show a summary of the preferences of the dwarves in your fort.
* show current date and weather in border.

Type "dwarfmonitor" in the DFHack console for full usage instructions.

Plugin File: getplants.plug
Version: 0.3
Extended getplants plugin with automated wood chopping functionality. You can set minimum and maximum log count to keep in stock and the plugin will automatically designate and and undesignate trees to keep your stores at those levels. You may select specific burrows to chop in or let it use the whole map. Interface can be accessed when in the chopping designation menu or by adding a keybinding to "getplants autochop".

Plugin File: hotkeys.plug
Version: 0.1
Shows an ingame viewscreen with all dfhack keybindings active in current mode.
Raw Data: JSON / Text
Checksum / Hash
SHA-256: 491dad65579efb089e0e53c0dc67d5e5c97c2473f9cf779788f8122dd82081c1
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More From This Author
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 Utility Plugins for UI Improvement (v 0.5)  » posted by thistleknot on Jan 24, 2013, 03:13:41 pm
I was just looking for something like this. Realizing you had more than 3 plugins, I was thinking of how to get them all in one place, good to see you have done so :)
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 Utility Plugins for UI Improvement (v 0.6)  » posted by Socharis on Feb 09, 2013, 10:35:21 pm
Amazing. This is everything I loved about Gnomoria, except now I can do it in DF. Thank you so much!
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 Utility Plugins for UI Improvement (v 0.28)  » posted by roel1976 on Jul 04, 2013, 05:47:39 am
Hello Falconne,

Thanks for all the hard work on the plug-ins. I am monitoring this topic and get email notifications when it's updated. However it doesn't tell me what has changed. Could you perhaps keep a change log like here for example:

Again thanks for your work!
Urist McRoel
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 Re: Utility Plugins for UI Improvement (v 0.28)  » posted by falconne on Jul 04, 2013, 05:56:51 am
roel1976 wrote:
Hello Falconne,

Thanks for all the hard work on the plug-ins. I am monitoring this topic and get email notifications when it's updated. However it doesn't tell me what has changed. Could you perhaps keep a change log like here for example:

Again thanks for your work!
Urist McRoel

Good idea. Just updated the description.
IP: logged
 Utility Plugins for UI Improvement (v 0.29)  » posted by Natfrac42 on Jul 25, 2013, 03:10:42 am
Hey Falconne

Just tried to download what looks like an awesome set of plugins but got a 'the compressed file is invalid' error. Tried to download it multiple times on multiple browsers but still the same message occurs. Just thought you should know.
IP: logged
 Re: Utility Plugins for UI Improvement (v 0.29)  » posted by falconne on Jul 25, 2013, 03:54:20 am
Natfrac42 wrote:
Hey Falconne

Just tried to download what looks like an awesome set of plugins but got a 'the compressed file is invalid' error. Tried to download it multiple times on multiple browsers but still the same message occurs. Just thought you should know.

Thanks, I just uploaded a new version. The previous file was valid, but I had accidentally made it in 7-Zip format instead of plain Zip. Windows Explorer hasn't yet caught up enough to open modern zip formats :) The new upload should open find in Explorer.

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