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Current Time: Mar 26, 2025, 12:07:02 am
 Dwarf Fortress File Depot
Registration is not required to download. However, it will allow you to vote, comment, and upload. Forgot your password?
About This Site
General Information

The purpose of this site is to host files related to the game Dwarf Fortress. As long as your file has something to do with Dwarf Fortress, is not extremely offensive (based on our discretion), and is not illegal (copyrighted material for example unless you have explicit permission to redistribute it), it is welcome here. Assuming it follows these simple guidelines, your file should never be deleted unless you choose to delete it yourself, with the exception of files in the "Bugged Saves" category which occasionally will have very old and outdated files purged. Currently all registered users are allowed to upload files, though this might eventually change to a simple permission request system (where people requesting it get permanent upload access) if the open upload policy were ever abused too much.

Registration also allows you to vote on files and leave comments about them, but anybody can download freely without needing an account.

For uploading viewable maps or movies, the Dwarf Fortress Map Archive is a better alternative.

For sharing general information about the game, usage of the Dwarf Fortress Wiki is recommended.

Uploading Files

Once you have registered and logged in, you will see an Upload button at the top and bottom of the page. This leads to the upload form.

As you are uploading your file, you will see a progress bar to indicate how much of the file is uploaded (though very small files might skip it). You can safely fill in the other form information such as the description while the file is uploading. The upload process only uploads the file itself, and doesn't actually submit the entire form.

Currently, uploaded file sizes are capped at 1000 MB. If you have a larger file which you want to upload, use the contact form and we might consider raising the limit.

If you later want to modify or delete your file listing, you should see links at the bottom of the file listing for those purposes. These only show up for the person who created the listing and for people with administrative privileges.

When you edit a listing, the RSS feed and the "last updated", "downloads count", and "views count" information will only be updated if you actually upload a new/replacement file as part of the edit. The file itself is the only thing taken into account in terms of whether the listing is considered as truly changed.

Files Not Showing Up?

If file listings seem to be missing on any page you are viewing, it is likely due to your version filtering settings. At the top of the page next to your login info you will see your current game version filter. Click on that to go to you profile, where you can change it.


For security reasons, any HTML code you enter within comments and file descriptions will not be parsed. However, some standard BBCode is accepted instead, most of which is easily applied using the controls (buttons, dropdowns, and smileys) above the textbox in question. See here for a list of most other usable BBCode.


This site's code base incorporates modified code from the following sources:
PHCDownload (core site script)
Turnstile / hCaptcha

Still Have Questions?

If you still have any questions, problems with the site, or suggestions, feel free to contact us. You can also find me on the official DF forums and the DF Wiki under the username Janus.


Website by Brett Flannigan. The core site script is PHCDownload (© 2005-2025).
Hosted by Linode.