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 Dwarf Fortress File Depot » Utilities » Linux Updater for DF versions
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File Listing: Linux Updater for DF versions
Last Updated: Apr 14, 2015, 08:08:34 pm
First Created: Sep 07, 2014, 06:28:50 pm
File version: 1.2
For DF version: Multiple
Downloads: 35 (58) Size: 4.7 KB
Views: 548 (669) Type: TXT
Rating (0 votes): Unrated
This is a shell script for those who use linux to play dwarf fortress.
The purpose of this script is to make updating (between minor releases, so 0.XX.YY to 0.XX.ZZ where ZZ = YY+1) easy.

Here are the steps to make this work:
  1. Download the file to the same directory holding the df_linux directory
  2. Call the following commands from a terminal in this directory
    1. mv update_df.txt
    2. chmod +x
    3. . update_df.txt
  3. cd into df_linux and launch the game

Your previous install will now be in a folder titled df_linux_old, untouched. So this should still work as it did before.
The new one should work, although I assume that ToadyOne kept the same format for everything, so if not this may break.
If this is the case, remove the new df_linux, download the new version yourself and do everything manually.

This has been updated, as I had the wrong directory name
Raw Data: JSON / Text
Checksum / Hash
SHA-256: 4a337820b394f14fc1d80fb5dfa3b2d1bb40a79ce60612047e65d73f7436a9ad
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