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 Dwarf Fortress File Depot » Utilities » Urist McModder
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File Listing: Urist McModder
Last Updated: Mar 08, 2009, 09:53:42 am
File version: Beta 1
For DF version: N/A
Downloads: 313 Size: 379.7 KB
Views: 2,753 Type: ZIP
Rating (0 votes): Unrated
Hi everyone,

I'm quite proud to present the first release of my modding tool for Dwarf Fortress. This should be considered a beta release, and I have no documentation ready for it at all. Back up your files before you use it, because I can only test so much on my own.

Discussion here

Here's a quick step-by-step to get you into the tile editor.

Step 1: Make sure you have Adobe AIR installed (Go to and click the "Get Adobe AIR" button)
Step 2: Install the .air files from DFFD by double clicking it
Step 3: Run Urist McModder
Step 4: From the File menu, Select Mod Location. Point this to the root of your mod.
NOTE: Urist expects the mod to be in DF structure; with a raw and data folder at the top level.
Step 5: From the Editors menu, New Graphics Editor
Step 6: In the new Graphics Editor window, go to File, Open and select one of the graphics.txt files you've created already
Step 7: Enjoy.

There's a bunch of functionality in there, feel free to explore (but once again, back up your files, please). It can't cause any damage until you Save. You can create as many instances of Urist McGraphics as you like, to work on multiple tilesets at once.
Raw Data: JSON / Text
Checksum / Hash
SHA-256: 9b1b85a440a5365691ac24a5451e38d796b62422aea44569b6978be3bec8d30b
IP: logged
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