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 Dwarf Fortress File Depot » Minor Mods » Fortress Mode Race -- Maej
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File Listing: Fortress Mode Race -- Maej
Last Updated: Jul 02, 2012, 05:00:41 pm
File version: 1.0
For DF version: 0.34.11
Downloads: 119 Size: 30.5 KB
Views: 1,259 Type: ZIP
Rating (0 votes): Unrated
"A sapient species that lives underground. It is covered in armor that protects its soft flesh. Its vital organs and six brains are contained in its pot-shaped main body, from which projects four legs, two arms, six eyestalks, and a long trunk ending in a mouth which is ringed by sensitive feelers. Its arms end in six fleshy, dextrous tentacles. Its blood is violet."
-- In-game description

A Fortress-Mode-playable race of insect-polyp-things. Aside from different anatomy, their labours are seperated by caste, with labours outside a caste's specialization gaining experience very slowly and, conversely, labours withing a caste's specialization gaining skill quicker than normal. Also, some noble positions are restricted by caste. A limited supply of competent fighters and lack of effective ranged weaponry make traps a necessity for defense.

The castes are:

QUEEN: Twice the size of a dwarf. Only fertile females in the colony. Perform administrative and clerical duties. Pretty useless outside of that. Make up approximately 1/20 of all births.

DRONE: A third larger than a dwarf. Only fertile males in the colony. High combat abilities, with natural skill in biting and punching and sharp, powerful lances in place of hands. Their lances work equally well on stone and can be manipulated with a great deal of precision, resulting in them handling engraving duties. Make up approximately 3/20 of all births.

ARTISAN: Half the size of a dwarf. Sterile. Specialize in crafts work and other skilled labour where quality is a factor. Make up approximately 3/5 of all births.

WORKER: Same size as the artisans; also sterile. Handle menial labour and move quickly, letting them complete tasks faster.

More detailed information can be found in Notes.txt in the zip file.
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 Fortress Mode Race -- Maej (v 1.0)  » posted by Splint on Aug 26, 2012, 02:50:50 am
Given how weak these creatures seem to be based on size and caste, the only hole I see is no proper soldier caste, which I would think such hivce creatures would have, since drones would be considered too valuable to waste on emergency combat duty, unless the whole point is these thing rely on traps and stuff to kill aggressors and you basicaly shouldn't try to fight anything directly with your actual citizens.
comment last edited by Splint on Aug 26, 2012, 02:52:24 am

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