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 Dwarf Fortress File Depot » Minor Mods » Fear The Night! [0.34.11] v1.4.1
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File Listing: Fear The Night! [0.34.11] v1.4.1
Last Updated: Apr 11, 2013, 01:16:52 am
First Created: Feb 28, 2012, 10:53:02 pm
File version: 1.4.1
For DF version: 0.34.11
Downloads: 1,045 (2,135) Size: 355.5 KB
Views: 3,655 (6,127) Type: ZIP
Rating (1 votes): 4.5 / 5.0

Fear The Night is a total revamp mod for most of the night creatures of dwarf fortress. It replaces the vanilla vampires and werebeasts with more powerful and interesting variants that have unique abilities. It also replaces vanilla necromancers with up to 4 types of sorcerer, each distinct from the others. Mummies have also been redone, the new disturbed dead are much less unfair (the vanilla ones cursed you forever with your skills having a 20% failure rate!) and much more interesting than a sack of bones and his zombie companions. Night Trolls (Night Creatures which live in caves and often abduct villagers) have also been customized, there are 9 new types, 2 of which drop rare materials which can be used to enhance weapons. Husk players can also be transformed into several new husk types, some of which are more useful than others. Adventurers now have a large number of reactions available to them for creation of useful items and decorations. All in all, this comes together to create a much different adventure mode experience than vanilla, and also can make fortress mode more fun as well.


New Vampires - Ways to become Vampire

Master Vampire - Cursed, Drink blood
L Master Abilities (Giant Bat Transformation, Vampiric Speed, Hypersonic Scream, Paralyzing Stare, Vanish)

Elder (3 types, Canine, Feline and Serpentine) - Cursed, Drink Blood
L Canine Abilities (Wolf Transformation, Lesser Vampiric Speed, Vanish)
L Feline Abilities (Cougar Transformation, Disorienting Scream, Vanish)
L Serpentine Abilities (Rattlesnake Transformation, Nauseating Stare, Vanish)

(NOTE: The elder vampire names are purely internal, they don't actually show up in legends or during normal play, the title used is "elder vampire".)

New Werebeasts - Ways to become werebeast

Werebeasts (5 types, Werewolf, Werebear, Werescorpion, Werelizard, Werechameleon) - Cursed, Get bitten/stung by werebeast)
L Werewolf (Size ~1100000, Fastest, weak to silver)
L Werebear (Size ~4000000, Slowest but strongest, weak to copper)
L Werescorpion (Size ~900000, Middle speed, has poison sting/sharp claws, tail slam, weak to bronze)
L Werelizard - (Weak to iron, slightly bigger than a werescorpion, has long claws)
L Werechameleon - (Weak to iron, doesn't get nearly the same amount of human form buffs, but can turn invisible in human and were form, can attack with tongue)

Werebeasts start off in human form, and transform once they receive enough damage to their bodies. If you're really good, you can kill them before they turn into there were form, just remember though, you can't contract the curse unless they bite/sting you when transformed.

Werebests are divided into sub-types.

L Red Werewolf (Stronger human form, more rage than usual, better cutting claws, but has weakness to silver when human as well.)
L White Werewolf (Stronger/faster/larger beast form, natural skill in dodging, weaker in human form)
L Normal Werewolf (Same as previous werewolf versions, but has EXTREMELY high recuperation)

L Polar Werebear (Larger beast form, better natural wrestling skill, slower due to its bulk)
L Grizzly Werebear (Much more prone to rage, longer/better claws and striking, smaller than polar version)

L Venomous Werescorpion (Extremely deadly venom sting [buffed from previous versions], smaller and weaker than counterpart)
L Non-Venomous Werescorpion (No venom, but tail attack is now a powerful stab, better claws, larger than Venomous version)

All werebeast blood can be ingested to cause certain buffs, details are in the BUFFS section.

New Necromancer types - How to become necromancer

Necromancer (Learn Secret from god, tablet)
L Dark Sorcerer (Buffed version of vanilla necromancer, can use curses to slow/weaken enemies)
L Summoner (Can turn corpses into 3 special "demon" types, has the least physical ability)
L Lich (Is transformed into an extremely durable and strong form which can fly, zombies are weaker/slower to compensate)
L Infernomancer (!!Flaming Zombies!!, fire abilities, is transformed into a fire-immune platinum shelled form upon learning secret)

All the types do appear, though due to the uncommon occurrence of towers, you will likely only have one type per world, and it may take a few worlds to get what type you want. However each type is more than powerful enough to provide a great challenge, and great power to a character who learns the secrets.

Also please note that due to transformation restrictions you cannot become a lich or infernomancer if you are already a vampire or werebeast, or vice versa. As well liches cannot become infernomancers, and infernomancers cannot become liches.

One other thing, sometimes (VERY rarely) you may find a completely empty tower, this is because a god created it and put the secret tablet inside of the tower. I've only had this happen once, but it was pretty cool.

New Disturbed Dead
L Draugr (Has Ice powers, can throw chunks of ice, create cold liquid on the ground, and raise frozen zombies)
L Tomb Lord - (Is covered in a gold casket and has very high skills, raises stronger zombies that also have heightened skills)
L Wight - (Cannot raise dead, but is very durable, attacks suck blood, and it has legendary wrestling skill and a slight immunity to weapons)

Each Disturbed dead also produces a fluid which can be ingested for temporary buffs (which also come with downsides, check the BUFFS section for details).

New Night Trolls

Orb Monsters (7 types)
L Skittering orb troll (Small, high population)
L Anthropoid orb troll (Human sized, medium population)
L Stabber orb troll (Small Human sized, somewhat large population)
L Beastly orb troll (Large Size, small population)
L Flying orb troll (Very small, can fly, high population)
L Clawed orb troll (Elf Sized, large claws, small population)
L Seraphic orb troll (Larger than humans, has wings and can fly, very low population)

Shade (Is usually invisible, has slashing attacks, very delicate and drops a dense shadow item on death)

Mineral Beast (Extremely large and durable, magma blood, drops pseudoslade item on death)

New Megabeasts and Semimegabeasts

Ancient Vampire (M) - An extremely powerful and fast monster that carries the master vampire curse within itself, the curse is only transferrable by bite, not by consumption of blood.

Vampire Lord (3 types, 1 for each curse) (S) - Like the ancient vampire, only less powerful. Also somewhat less powerful than a master vampire. Bite sucks blood and causes one of 3 types of lesser vampirism.

Secret Fiend (4 types, 1 for each secret) (M) - Small creatures of extreme power. Their touch burns their secret into the minds of mortals.


-Frozen Zombie Blood (Lasts 300TUs, cuts speed by half, reduced toughness to 30%, but gives the Ice Shard ability and no breathe, no pain, paralyze immune and no connections for movement tags)

-Tomb Lord Goo (Gives a 150% skill boost for 400 TUs, then horrible nausea for 400 TUs.)

-Wight Pus (Gives a material force reduction for 200 TUs, then a multiplier for 200 TUs.)

-Red Werewolf Blood (Get 150% speed for 300TUs, crazed for 300TUs, weak to silver for 300TUs)

-White Werewolf Blood (Impair lung function for 200TUs, Resistant to all materials except silver for 200TUs, weak to silver for 200TUs)

-Brown Werewolf Blood (No nausea for 200TUs, No Dizziness for 200TUs, No Exert for 200TUs, suffer pain for 200TUs, weak to silver for 150TUs)

-Grizzly Werebear Blood (80% speed 150TUs, Crazed for 150TUs, No Pain for 150TUs, weak to copper for 150TUs)

-Polar Werebear Blood (60% speed for 300TUs, Resistant to all materials except copper for 300TUs, weak to copper for 300TUs)

-Venomous Werescorpion Blood (Utterances for 125TUs, No rage for 125TUs, No trances for 125TUs Resistant to all materials except bronze for 125TUs, weak to bronze for 125TUs)

-Non-Venomous Werescorpion Blood (Drowsy for 275TUs, No bleeding/blood loss for 275TUs, weak to bronze for 275TUs)

-Werelizard Blood (Numb for 180TUs, Trances enabled for 180TUs, weak to iron for 180TUs)

-Werechameleon Blood (Able to use camouflage for 180TUs, weak to iron for 180TUs)

-regenerative cocoon extract (Will knock you out for a week, full regen of all body parts. May have side effects)

more will be added, possibly in later versions of DF



-Drink the blood of a human form vampire, this can fail and is not exactly reliable, but does work

-Create an extract from a vampiric animal, instructions below
*1)Create a bone or horn bottle
*2)Wound a vampire so it transforms
*3)Kill the vampire or get a piece of its body
*4)Perform the appropriate reaction to produce the extract
*5)Drink the extract
*6)Check your interactions menu and "Embrace Vampirism" (this will do nothing if you are unable to become a vampire)
*7)Congratulations, you are now a fully powered vampire


-Get bitten or stung (in the case of a werescorpion) by the werebeast, you are now a werebeast. Be warned, this can be difficult to do without dying and you may need to transform to escape. Werebeasts have been made to favor their attacks which spread the curse over the others though, so it shouldn't be too hard.


-Climb the tower associated with the desired type, read the slab at the top.

-Find a book written by the desired type, read it, it may turn you into a necromancer. Books of this type will have certain words in their title, which are stored in the raws. These books are often littered throughout towers, so look there.

EASY INSTALL (Just install FTN)

-Drop "Fear The Night.exe into your dwarf fortress folder, double click and unzip it. Fear The Night is now installed.

-You're going to need to gen a new world, so go into "Design New World with Advanced Parameters" and choose "FTN <world name>"

-Play on your new world, have fun!

MANUAL INSTALL (Do this if you're installing FTN with other mods)

-Drop the 2 folders into your dwarf fortress folder, overwrite (also included is a fix for nails/claws not regrowing, remove raw\objects\tissue_template_default.txt if you don't want that. Do this BEFORE you overwrite)

-If any other mods you're using have reactions for item decoration and weapon creation, remove reaction_ftn_extra.txt, you don't need it.

-Look through the list of files, take out what you don't want (if you don't want anything). There is a list that says what is safe to remove and what isn't. Expect a small errorlog note if you remove something, though if you follow the list nothing should break.

-You are going to need to gen a new world. This is completely OK though, because Fear The Night comes with some preset templates, so you no longer need to worry about tinkering with the advanced worldgen settings at all. Included is a worldgen.txt file that has specially modified templates that enable all custom monsters easily. Just go into advanced worldgen, select "FTN <world size and type here>", press enter and off you go! Of course, if you're the type that likes to fiddle with things, go right ahead, just don't touch the number of caves and population unless you know what you're doing. Also note that turning up Vampire Curses, Werebeast Curses, Disturbance curses, Night Trolls or Secrets will cause some vanilla creatures to appear alongside the new ones.


-Werebeasts sometimes infect way too many people. Vanilla DF problem, sorry about that. If it becomes a nuisance, disable them.

-Your speed will change when you become undead, this is due to vanilla DF setting your speed to 1280-1290 when you become undead. I have instead added certain speed buffs and debuffs to most undead creatures to differentiate them.


-Summoner demons don't follow you. This is not a bug, they aren't followers. They're meant as an attack, not minions.

-Some Zombie types seem weaker than others. This is intentional for balance.

-Lich bones are nearly unbreakable. This is also intentional.

-You can't mix vampirisms, this is intentional

-You can't perform a reaction unless everything is in your hands or on the ground, this is due to vanilla DF requiring it, but even if it didn't I'd do it anyway, since it helps stop reactions from being performed during combat.
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