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 Dwarf Fortress File Depot » Minor Mods » Honey Bee of Power Mod
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File Listing: Honey Bee of Power Mod
Last Updated: Apr 04, 2011, 07:31:19 pm
File version: 1.0
For DF version: 0.31.25
Downloads: 55 Size: 1.6 KB
Views: 461 Type: RAR
Rating (0 votes): Unrated
Some of you may remember my Mosquito of Power Mod. Well, this is The Honey Bee of Power Mod. With it, in addition to honey bees, you will also get Honey Dwarves.What are the differences between the two, you ask? Well, Honey Dwarves have the body of a dwarf, and the wings of a bee. They produce magma rather than honey, and inject venom through their noses. (Don't ask.) Alright, I admit it, I was bored and just went through the honey bee raws, and changed every instance of "honey" to "magma", every instance of "bee" to "dwarf", and the prefstring to MAGMA. I tried to give them magma for blood, but it didn't work.
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