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 Dwarf Fortress File Depot » Minor Mods » Wizard Tower for Genesis Mod
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File Listing: Wizard Tower for Genesis Mod
Last Updated: Feb 13, 2011, 10:19:32 am
First Created: Feb 02, 2011, 07:19:00 pm
File version: 0.32g
For DF version: 0.31.18
Downloads: 239 (291) Size: 170 KB
Views: 1,901 (2,019) Type: ZIP
Home:  Forum Thread
Rating (0 votes): Unrated
This version of Wizard Tower requires Deon's Genesis Mod.

Welcome to Wizard Tower, the Dwarf Fortress mod that lets you guide seven intrepid wizards as they embark to create a monument worthy of their talents. Wizards are each born with certain unique powers (according to their genetics, or 'castes' as they call them), and are capable of manipulating matter in ways the others races cannot. More detailed guides can be found in the .zip file.

Installation: Extract the .zip file to the Dwarf Fortress folder with Genesis Mod installed.
Uninstalling: Delete all files in the raw/objects folder that end in '_wizard.' Also delete any files that end in "_resource" unless you are using other mods that use these files.

Installing this mod makes no changes to pre-existing files or saved games. You can install the mod, generate a world, then uninstall the mod without adversely affecting the modded world's playability.

What are Wizards?

Wizards are like humans, but different. They have a unique language, several unique reactions at their disposal, have special weapons they call 'wands,' and are divided into castes known as 'colors.' Further down is a more detailed description of them, their abilities, and their buildings. Included in the .zip file is a cheat sheet for all the new items, buildings and reactions added by the mod, as well as a guide to castes.

They can be pernicious, covetous and greedy, but as a species they probably fall on the good-natured side, with exceptions. They often have trouble getting along with one another, and so Wizard Towers generally cope poorly with unrest and chaos. They tend to be isolated from the rest of the world, coming out to trade only rarely and even then usually only amongst themselves.

A wizard's physical and mental traits and abilities are governed by their 'color' or caste. This doesn't show up in Fortress Mode so much (where tile colors are tied to profession, not caste), but you can tell what color a wizard's caste is by the color of their eyes (they match).

Wizards are fully playable in Fortress Mode (Dwarves too). Use Tab on the embark screen to cycle to the civilizations menu and use the +- on the numberpad to scroll through the available civs. Wizard civs show up on the world map as a blue '#' symbol.

What are Sorcerers?

Sorcerers are like wizards, but different. They are pernicious, covetous and greedy with demonic personalities. They have a distinct language but share most of the abilities that wizards have, excelling, one might say, in different areas. Sorcerers are also fully playable in Fortress Mode, and their civilizations appear on the map as Dark Fortresses.

Gameplay Features:
  • Interesting Social Dynamics: Wizards have extreme personalities that often clash openly, especially in smaller groups.
  • Survival of the Fittest: The Wizard caravan won't arrive until an entire year has passed, so until then, you are on your own.
  • Cutting Edge Science: Wizards don't break the laws of physics, they merely bend them. Diamond towers a distinct possibility.
  • Almost Balanced Gameplay: Despite their powers, wizards are neither invulnerable nor easy to avoid having Fun with.
  • Unique Noble Structure: Very similar to dwarves, but different as well, especially at the top, and there are more positions.
  • Demanding Aristocracy: There is no avarice like a wizard noble's. Their demands grow with their political stature.
  • Willful Underlings: All wizards know how to magically open a locked door. Be wary of this when forbidding doorways.
  • Unwholesome Rivals: The sorcerers are the wizards' greatest enemies, capable and cunning, but without any moral compass.
  • Undead Humanoids: Of all the sorcerers' many crimes, this one was the worst: the raising of the abominable dead.
  • Proud Hunters: Whether or not a Wizard is considered prey may vary from centaur to centaur.
  • Beastwhispering: Embark with exotic animals wherever you go.
  • A World of Myth and Legend: Beware the Phoenix, the Griffon, the Manticore, the Witch, and all the other things.

Buildings and Reactions:

Alchemy: Transmute lead to gold, wood to flesh, and smelt unsmeltable ores and more machinations of metaphysics.
Associated Buildings: Alchemist's Foundry and Alchemist's Laboratory. Alchemy skill.
Geomancy: Melt down gemstones and reshape them into blocks, furniture, crafts, and arms.
Associated Building: Gemshaper's Forge. Gem Cutting skill.
Wands: Wizard-only weapons and tools that utilize the Concentration skill. Very powerful in the right hand.
Meditation Chambers: Used to practice concentration, a necessary skill for wand use. Larger Wizard Towers can boast many such chambers.
Podiums: Let your wizards perform some public speaking. Assign them to nobles or let every wizard in the Tower speak their mind.
Desks: Read and write, make special crafts and more
Fire: The most basic tool of civilization is now available for use in Fortress Mode.
Magic Missile: This basic weapon of wizardry is now available for use in Fortress and Adventure Mode.
Magic Blast Attacks: This basic weapon of wizardry is now available for use in Fortress and Adventure Mode.

Coming Soon: More Stuff

Q & A

Q: The workshops don't have any tasks available when I select them.
A: You don't have the necessary regents. It might be fuel, which the alchemy and gemshaper furnaces both require. Check the cheat sheet included in the zip file for a list of reactions and their required reagents.

Q: Where do wizards make soap?
A: An Alchemist's Laboratory.

Q: Can I use your wizards/buildings/reactions in my mod?
A: Certainly.

Thanks and Credits

The Adams brothers for Dwarf Fortress, their incredible work and inspiring dedication
Deon, for the Wizard/Sorcerer tiles when the mod first began and help with Genesis compatibility,
Mike Mayday for his tileset, which I used as a base to learn and make graphics
Warlord255 for his bonfire mod which was a base for the fire
kaypy for the Display Case and Lazureus for the Crematory
D_E for bringing [SKILL_LEARN_RATE] to my attention
Rask for reporting arena mode and wand testing
forsaken1111 for the deflecting orb and numerous other suggestions
The contributors to MagmaWiki, especially concerning custom buildings and reactions
TwilightWalker for providing the Genesis compatibility information

Thank you all.
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