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 Dwarf Fortress File Depot » Minor Mods » Wizard Tower .36d
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File Listing: Wizard Tower .36d
Last Updated: Jan 24, 2012, 11:03:46 pm
First Created: Jun 15, 2010, 06:03:43 am
File version: 0.36d
For DF version: 0.31.25
Downloads: 562 (2,954) Size: 198.8 KB
Views: 1,983 (6,483) Type: ZIP
Home:  Forum Thread
Rating (8 votes): 4.9 / 5.0
Now with graphics!

Welcome to Wizard Tower, the Dwarf Fortress mod that lets you guide seven intrepid wizards as they toil to create a monument worthy of their nation. Wizards are each born with certain unique powers and are capable of manipulating matter in ways the others races cannot.

Installation: Extract the .zip file to the Dwarf Fortress folder.
Uninstalling: Delete all files in the raw/objects folder that end in '_wizard.' Also delete any files that end in "_resource" and "_ff" unless you are using other mods that use these files.

Installing this mod makes no changes to original files or pre-existing saved games. You can install the mod, generate a world, then uninstall the mod without adversely affecting the modded world's playability. If updating the mod from a version earlier than .19 you should uninstall the older version first to prevent duplicate entries (some filenames are changed).


Human-like creatures, shrouded in mystery and endowed with incomprehensible powers. They are oft considered pernicious, covetous and greedy, though the average wizard is no worse a sort than that of any other people. They often have trouble getting along with one another, and so Wizard Towers generally cope poorly with unrest and chaos. They tend to be isolated from most of the worlds, coming out to trade only rarely and even then usually only amongst themselves. Their cities and Universities, while sometimes quite vast, only rarely entertain visitors.


Bad wizards. They are pernicious, covetous and greedy, with the morals of demons. They have a distinct language but share most of the abilities that wizards have, excelling, to say, in different areas. They can usually be found by following the stench of death to the nearest conspicuous obsidian tower jutting out of the mountainside like a sore-covered thumb.

Wizards and Sorcerers are fully playable in Fortress Mode along with Dwarves. Use Tab on the embark screen to cycle to the civilizations menu and use the +/- keys to scroll through the available civilizations. The Neighbors tab will show the creatures inhabiting your selected nation at the top of a list. Wizard settlements show on the map as a blue '#' symbol (if they survived well), while Sorcerers and their fortresses show up as circles and '∏' symbols.
  • Interesting Social Dynamics: For whatever reason, Wizards often and easily form grudges. That Sorcerers also have this problem is less mysterious.
  • Survival of the Fittest: The Wizard caravan won't arrive until an entire year has passed, so until then, you are on your own.
  • Cutting Edge Science: Wizards don't break the laws of physics, they merely bend them in a liberal manner. Diamond towers a distinct possibility.
  • Almost Balanced Gameplay: Despite their powers, wizards are as frail as any other hyper-intelligent magical person.
  • Unique Noble Structure: The Wizards and Sorcerers both take unique approaches to the processes they refer to as "government."
  • Demanding Aristocracy: Sorcerer Overseers are more than happy to personally execute insubordinates, and the candy hammer will only extend the suffering.
  • Willful Underlings: All wizards know how to magically open a locked door, even as a child. More cunning devices are needed to keep them put.
  • Animated Matter: Golems and homunculi, two separate cultures' solutions to a common problem.
  • Undead Humanoids: Where the zombies come from, no one is sure, but the children the Sorcerers kidnap are seldom seen as adults.
  • Proud Hunters: Whether or not a Wizard is considered prey may vary from centaur to centaur.
  • New Artwork: Marvel at this masterful engraving of two kobold musicians and kegs.
  • New Items and Monsters: Put on your titanium mail robe and phoenix leather pointed hat.
  • New Buildings and Reactions: Invent needlessly complicated and expensive ways to set massive fires.

Thanks and Credits

The Adams brothers for Dwarf Fortress, their incredible work and inspiring dedication
Deon, who provided Wizard/Sorcerer tiles when the mod first began,
Mike Mayday for his tileset, which I used as a base to learn and make graphics
Warlord255 for his bonfire mod which was a base for the fire
Adultratedhydra and forsaken1111 for suggestions used for golems and homunculi
kaypy for the Display Case and Lazureus for the Crematory
D_E for bringing [SKILL_LEARN_RATE] to my attention
Rask for reporting arena mode, wand testing and other problems
forsaken1111 for the deflecting orb and numerous other suggestions
OrionKale for finding and helping correct a number of post .25 issues
The contributors of MagmaWiki, especially concerning custom buildings and reactions

Thank you all!
Raw Data: JSON / Text
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SHA-256: cbba63e14a46769d4786abf6eac523e5db5a98780d27302046beec518df16b18
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