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 Dwarf Fortress File Depot » Minor Mods » Jurassic Dwarf: Dino-Hybrids
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File Listing: Jurassic Dwarf: Dino-Hybrids
Last Updated: Nov 22, 2022, 01:35:07 am
File version: 1.1
For DF version: 0.47.05
Downloads: 87 Size: 48.4 KB
Views: 575 Type: RAR
Rating (0 votes): Unrated
What is this even?

Jurassic Dwarf: Dino-Hybrids is a mod that adds dinosaur (and not only) hybrids (and not only) from various Jurassic Park/World media! Now you too can be like Chris Pratt and be chased through the woods by a bioweapon just barely disguised as a theme park attraction! To do that, just find yourself in a savage area! You can also raise those as cattle, but who would do that?

What to expect?

The mod contains all sorts of hybridized fauna from Jurassic World, Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, Camp Creataceous, Jurassic World Evolution, Jurassic World: The Game, Jurassic World Alive, Minecraft Jurassic World, Jurassic World: Dino Hybrid, and Jurassic Park: Chaos Effect. The ultimate goal is to recreate everything these movies, games and toy lines have to offer.

Be honest with us, which parts of this are stolen?

The mod was partially inspired by Enemy post's Primal, and just so it happened that I've borrowed some body parts and body detail plans from it for efficiency. One of the most poggers mods out there, check it out.
1.1: Sneks and sporpions update! -New dinos! *Dilorex *Dilophospinus *Diloracheirus *Diloranosaurus *Dimetrocarnus *Dimodactylus *Diorajasaurus *Diplosuchus *Diplotator *Diplovenator *Dodocevia *Dracoceratops *Dracoceratosaurus *Dsungaia *Dsungascorpios *Dunkleosaurus *Alacranix *Ceramagnus -Gave Alangasaurus arms -Gave Carbotoceratops a frill -Fixed Carbotoceratops name -Lowered child age for Aquilamimus -Added frequency to bosses -Sorted out skin/scale business in synapsids and amphibians -Tinkered with bravery, violence and discipline -Made Dilophoboa no longer lay eggs -Made Spinoceratops [SAVAGE] -Fixed grammar a bit -Minor fixes 1.0: Initial release update! -initial release
Raw Data: JSON / Text
Checksum / Hash
SHA-256: 76f5c8aadf1ebbdf12dc90dd4832cdd977f0f2b0649600575e363d8fc65bfb28
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