First build of a basic RAW file editor for Dwarf Fortress (40d).
Please comment on it / message me about it. I need as much feedback as possible.
As explained in the following thread, I'm very new to Dwarf Fortress (a few weeks) and don't know much about modding it, so all input is valuable right now.
Check the details at
Screenshot (click on links for bigger versions):
Current features are :
- Can open all the raw files of v0.28.181.40d without crashing (yet)
- Can save/save as any of those opened file with (as far as I can see)
no loss of data, order or structure (it will add tabs to the entries missing
it though, as to make it more easily readable)
- When you open a file, it will recognize it's type from [OBJECT:***]
using a data file called groups.ini and group tags into entry blocks accordingly.
The tags [identifier:data] that are selected as start of entry are all modifiable
in groups.ini for future compatibility.
- The list of all entries appears on the left of the window and can be filtered
by tag identifier or data by partial or exact match
- Any entry can be duplicated (inserted after the original one) or deleted
(except the [OBJECT:***], obviously)
- You can insert a new template entry before or after any other entry
(except [OBJECT:***], nothing can go before that one)
( I will require help here from experienced modders for the templates...
I've put up the stuff that seemed most common/required from what I could
get of the raw files. )
- You can also duplicate and delete tags for individual entries
- Any tag can be added manually (insert then type the info) or through a
list of possible tags.
- All the possible tags (tokens ?) should be listed in tags.ini, which also
supports a brief description to help starting modders or as a quick reference
to experienced ones