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 Dwarf Fortress File Depot » Bugged Saves » attack on adventurer out of nowhere
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File Listing: attack on adventurer out of nowhere
Last Updated: Sep 11, 2014, 10:22:01 am
File version: Unspecified
For DF version: 0.40.12
Downloads: 54 Size: 35.63 MB
Views: 508 Type: ZIP
Rating (0 votes): Unrated
Snippet of gamelog:

The Stray Cat head-bumps the Stray Cat.
The Stray Cat stands up.
You stand up.
Zaneg NŒlesal†th, Tanner (to Sigun ZulbanlŒlar, Miner): Greetings. My name is Zaneg Strapbolts.
Sigun ZulbanlŒlar, Miner (to Zaneg NŒlesal†th, Tanner): Ah, hello. I'm Sigun Bannerpattern.
Zaneg NŒlesal†th, Tanner (to Sigun ZulbanlŒlar, Miner): It sure is dark down here.
Momuz Oltarlulƒr, Stoneworker (to Zon Uremm–thkat, Wood Burner): Goodbye.
Zaneg NŒlesal†th, Tanner (to Sigun ZulbanlŒlar, Miner): Goodbye.
Zon Uremm–thkat, Wood Burner (to Momuz Oltarlulƒr, Stoneworker): Goodbye.
Ast Rakustamud, Peasant: A battle! What's going on?!
Zon Uremm–thkat, Wood Burner: A battle! What's going on?!
Zaneg NŒlesal†th, Tanner: There's fighting! What's going on?!
Tholtig Izegeshtƒn, Presser: I have a part in this. I will take revenge!
Sigun ZulbanlŒlar, Miner: This is my fight too. I will take revenge!
Zon Uremm–thkat, Wood Burner: There's fighting! What's going on?!
Momuz Oltarlulƒr, Stoneworker: There's fighting! What's going on?!
Ast Rakustamud, Peasant: A battle! What's going on?!
Likot Nanirkol, Peasant: There's fighting! What's going on?!
Lorbam Isongeshud, Dwarven Child: I have a part in this. This might require an answer.
The Presser attacks You but You jump away!
Tholtig Izegeshtƒn, Presser: This is a fight! I am not scared!
The Presser kicks You in the upper body with her right foot, bruising the muscle, jamming the right true ribs through the right lung and tearing the right lung!
You are having trouble breathing!
You give in to pain.
The Presser grabs You by the head with her left upper arm!
The Presser releases the grip of The Presser's left upper arm on Your head.
The Presser grabs You by the tongue with her left lower arm!
The Presser releases the grip of The Presser's left lower arm on Your tongue.
The Presser punches You in the head with her right hand, bruising the muscle through the cave spider silk cap!
The Presser grabs You by the llama wool backpack with her right upper arm!
The Presser releases the grip of The Presser's right upper arm on Your llama wool backpack.
The Presser grabs You by the second finger, left hand with her right upper arm!
The Presser releases the grip of The Presser's right upper arm on Your second finger, left hand.
The Presser grabs You by the first toe, right foot with her left hand!
The Presser releases the grip of The Presser's left hand on Your first toe, right foot.
The Presser grabs You by the left ear with her left lower arm!
The Presser releases the grip of The Presser's left lower arm on Your left ear.
The Presser punches You in the head with her left hand, bruising the muscle!
The Presser grabs You by the sheep wool left glove with her right upper arm!
The Presser punches You in the head with her left hand, bruising the muscle!
The Presser punches You in the head with her right hand, bruising the muscle!
The Presser releases the grip of The Presser's right upper arm on Your sheep wool left glove.
The Presser punches You in the head with her right hand, bruising the muscle, bruising the skull through the cave spider silk cap!
The Presser grabs You by the fourth toe, right foot with her right upper arm!
The Presser releases the grip of The Presser's right upper arm on Your fourth toe, right foot.
The Presser punches You in the head with her left hand, bruising the muscle!
The Presser grabs You by the nose with her right upper arm!
The Presser releases the grip of The Presser's right upper arm on Your nose.
The Presser grabs You by the steel shield with her left lower arm!
The Presser punches You in the head with her right hand, bruising the muscle through the cave spider silk cap!
The Presser releases the grip of The Presser's left lower arm on Your steel shield.
The Presser punches You in the head with her right hand, bruising the muscle through the cave spider silk cap!
The Presser punches You in the head with her right hand, bruising the muscle!
The Presser grabs You by the pig tail fiber trousers with her left upper arm!
The Presser punches You in the head with her right hand, bruising the muscle!
The Presser releases the grip of The Presser's left upper arm on Your pig tail fiber trousers.
The Presser grabs You by the upper left back teeth with her right hand!
The Presser releases the grip of The Presser's right hand on Your upper left back teeth.
The Presser grabs You by the sheep wool left glove with her left hand!
The Presser grabs You by the lower front teeth with her left lower arm!
The Presser punches You in the head with her right hand, bruising the muscle through the cave spider silk cap!
The Presser releases the grip of The Presser's left lower arm on Your lower front teeth.
The Presser punches You in the head with her right hand, bruising the muscle through the cave spider silk cap!
The Presser grabs You by the sheep wool left glove with her right hand!
The Presser grabs You by the left lower leg with her right upper arm!
The Presser locks Your left knee with The Presser's right upper arm!
The Presser releases the joint lock of The Presser's right upper arm on Your left lower leg.
The Presser punches You in the head with her right hand, bruising the muscle!
The Presser locks Your left knee with The Presser's right upper arm!
The Presser releases the joint lock of The Presser's right upper arm on Your left lower leg.
The Presser locks Your left knee with The Presser's right upper arm!
The Presser releases the joint lock of The Presser's right upper arm on Your left lower leg.
The Presser locks Your left knee with The Presser's right upper arm!
The Presser releases the joint lock of The Presser's right upper arm on Your left lower leg.
The Presser locks Your left knee with The Presser's right upper arm!
The Presser releases the joint lock of The Presser's right upper arm on Your left lower leg.
The Presser locks Your left knee with The Presser's right upper arm!
The Presser releases the joint lock of The Presser's right upper arm on Your left lower leg.
The Presser locks Your left knee with The Presser's right upper arm!
The Presser releases the joint lock of The Presser's right upper arm on Your left lower leg.
The Presser locks Your left knee with The Presser's right upper arm!
The Presser releases the joint lock of The Presser's right upper arm on Your left lower leg.
The Presser locks Your left knee with The Presser's right upper arm!
The Presser releases the joint lock of The Presser's right upper arm on Your left lower leg.
The Presser locks Your left knee with The Presser's right upper arm!
The Presser releases the joint lock of The Presser's right upper arm on Your left lower leg.
The Presser locks Your left knee with The Presser's right upper arm!
The Presser releases the joint lock of The Presser's right upper arm on Your left lower leg.
The Presser locks Your left knee with The Presser's right upper arm!
The Presser releases the joint lock of The Presser's right upper arm on Your left lower leg.
The Presser locks Your left knee with The Presser's right upper arm!
The Presser releases the joint lock of The Presser's right upper arm on Your left lower leg.
The Presser punches You in the head with her left hand, bruising the muscle, bruising the skull through the cave spider silk cap!
The Presser locks Your left knee with The Presser's right upper arm!
The Presser releases the joint lock of The Presser's right upper arm on Your left lower leg.
The Presser punches You in the head with her right hand, bruising the muscle through the cave spider silk cap!
The Presser punches You in the head with her right hand, bruising the muscle through the cave spider silk cap!
The Presser punches You in the head with her left hand, bruising the muscle and bruising the skull!
The Presser locks Your left knee with The Presser's right upper arm!
The Presser releases the joint lock of The Presser's right upper arm on Your left lower leg.
The Presser punches You in the head with her right hand, bruising the muscle, bruising the skull!
The Presser punches You in the head with her left hand and the injured part collapses into a lump of gore!
You have been struck down.
The Presser reorganizes her possessions.
Raw Data: JSON / Text
Checksum / Hash
SHA-256: 38c035aa01dfc0b6b08e84440f9cfae2b8e98a8199f360f09bd2f9dcea5c3ad5
IP: logged
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