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 Dwarf Fortress File Depot » Bugged Saves » Duplicated Companion bug
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File Listing: Duplicated Companion bug
Last Updated: Aug 04, 2014, 11:31:06 pm
File version: 40.06
For DF version: 0.40.06
Downloads: 24 Size: 21.33 MB
Views: 444 Type: RAR
Rating (0 votes): Unrated
2 of my 3 companions wandered off while I was trying to get from the border of a Dark Pit to some of the towers. Didn't even see any others on screen. Only have one 'Rumor' entry about being attacked and I think that was after they had left, and they left far enough apart that one beast couldn't have drawn them both. Anyway, they were off my [c]ompanion screen but still had agreements with them in [Q], so I decided to return to my spawn hillocks to try and find them. When I came out of [T]ravel there are now two of the same guy, the only one that actually was still on my list. Now that I am back in the hillocks my [c]ompanion list is back up to three, also. Uploading in regards to Bug 0005162 Other two companions are in the drinking mound (north and down one z-level )but their duplicates that abandoned me seem to have not made it back yet.

Phoebus graphics installed using the starter pack (should I have switched it back to ASCII before uploading?).

**So anything I do like sleep or travel to try and talk to the double caused them both to disappear and from near me and only one appears in the drinking mound. The game only lists them as two people, it treats them as the same being. Trying to pass time I set up throwing macro and ended up hitting one or the other or both a few times. They share exact injuries. Punching one gives a Non-Lethal to both of them.
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