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 Dwarf Fortress File Depot » Miscellaneous » Weird River Island Thing (partially lived in)
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File Listing: Weird River Island Thing (partially lived in)
Last Updated: Aug 03, 2014, 12:16:41 am
File version: Unspecified
For DF version: 0.40.05
Downloads: 18 Size: 10.72 MB
Views: 309 Type: ZIP
Rating (0 votes): Unrated

Beware, the dwarves are dumb and will attempt to haul things through the river rather than over the bridge. There are probably some ghosts that will need to be slabbed.
Raw Data: JSON / Text
Checksum / Hash
SHA-256: 1df93db0c45570f9a277a5e20d6488294fdb5a54457b167da07145734fcf2ef9
IP: logged
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