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 Dwarf Fortress File Depot » Bugged Saves » Teleporting Items during Mood
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File Listing: Teleporting Items during Mood
Last Updated: Jul 14, 2014, 09:53:57 pm
File version: Unspecified
For DF version: 0.40.03
Downloads: 22 Size: 47.16 MB
Views: 445 Type: RAR
Rating (0 votes): Unrated
This save demonstrates a bug involving teleporting items to claimed workshops during a mood. On load, the mooded dwarf is sitting in a craftdwarf shop wanting bones. After unpausing, a butcher job takes place across the hall from the room with the claimed workshop. No items are present in the craftdwarf shop. There is some inconsistency here, but this save gives two chances to see the bug.

When the dwarf finishes the butcher job, the bones will USUALLY teleport. It is inconsistent. If the bones do not teleport and the dwarf grabs the bones, assign another animal to be butchered and wait again (the mood wants 2 different types of bones). If the second bones does not generate the teleport, start again.

I have seen the teleportation of items twice on load of this save for the first bone request, and once where the 2nd bones was needed. Note that gems are desired afterwards, so on the 2nd bone request the dwarf may leave the workshop to grab the gems in the jeweler's workshop. If this happens, check to see if the bones were teleported.
Raw Data: JSON / Text
Checksum / Hash
SHA-256: d82285acaa99e8487519da6be13e20996bb6731c0d22577e186e163f7eddd2b6
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