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 Dwarf Fortress File Depot » Miscellaneous » Dependence of Bolt Deflection on [IMPACT_FRACTURE]
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File Listing: Dependence of Bolt Deflection on [IMPACT_FRACTURE]
Last Updated: Nov 14, 2012, 07:16:39 am
First Created: Nov 13, 2012, 10:27:33 pm
File version: 0.3
For DF version: 0.34.11
Downloads: 58 Size: 184.5 KB
Views: 452 (456) Type: XLS
Home:  Forum Thread
Rating (0 votes): Unrated
Spreadsheet showing deflection of bolts off plate armor with uniform thickness 20 at varying values of IMPACT_FRACTURE. Where indicated, IMPACT_YIELD is set to zero, and otherwise vanilla values are used for all parameters. I also used Arena Dwaves (see thread).

Update: I added column headings to each of the data sets within the file. They are:
Force - value of SHOOT_FORCE used.
deflection - % of bolts deflected
nonserious - % of bolts either deflected or causing only bruises
tears - % of bolts causing "tearing"
bruises - % of bolts causing bruises
chips - % of bolts chipping bones
fracture - % of bolt fracturing bones
jams - % of bolts causing jams
bruises only - % of bolts causing ONLY bruises, and no other injury

Update #2 - I found that the sigmoidal transition seems to fit well to
% nonserious = 1-1/(1+exp(-(F-F0)/(F0/50))) for F<F0 and 1-1/(1+exp(-(F-F0)/(F0/25))) for F>F0.
This is a logisitic function, different widths above and below the cutoff force.
Raw Data: JSON / Text
Checksum / Hash
SHA-256: 4a9abdfc66320e08e963560f9115b014aafe48c56fa535654f3930f5b0ddb865
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