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 Dwarf Fortress File Depot » Community Games » Necrothreat, Tal's year, mid-spring.
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File Listing: Necrothreat, Tal's year, mid-spring.
Last Updated: Oct 13, 2012, 07:49:13 am
File version: 1.0
For DF version: 0.34.11
Downloads: 34 Size: 42.88 MB
Views: 527 Type: ZIP
Rating (0 votes): Unrated
Here's Necrothreat. I didn't manage to finish my tower, but I sorta got there. Through ridiculously careful micromanagement, the doc was locked in the hospital for a while, and I had almost everybody assigned to special burrows - we got the coffins pulled up, but they still haven't been moved. Oh well. We also have around 200ish drinks. Woot!

There's a place dug out for the magma forges. Oh, and a few people may have a little bit of mining skill but not have the mining labor turned on anymore. Also, I tended to lock people in areas like the corpse pile and other such places. A few guys had a burrow where they couldn't do anything but bring plants and booze to the stills, a couple other guys couldn't do anything but make booze. I took the burrows off before I uploaded, to make things a bit less confusing for the next overseer.

Oh, and SOMEBODY decided to use my drainage pipe for a hallway, and THEN proceed to make a staircase under it, that I didn't see. One of our lower hallways is now flooded. I bypassed it. But we have a dining room with a waterfall. Happy thoughts to go around.

Also, the tower is partially made of gold. Did I mention that?

And finally, we struck marble. the way, migrants. Don't let them in.
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