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 Dwarf Fortress File Depot » Pregenerated Worlds » The perfect spot
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File Listing: The perfect spot
Last Updated: Apr 10, 2011, 09:52:28 am
File version: 1.0
For DF version: 0.31.25
Downloads: 1,616 Size: 2.52 MB
Views: 8,478 Type: ZIP
Home:  Bay12 Forums Topic
Rating (2 votes): 5.0 / 5.0
Hi all !

It took me something like 15 hours to manage to create (my) perfect map spot, so i thought i would share it with you !

Please add a comment if you like it !

Map features :
  • A volcano
  • A river + the river source (we are in the moutains)
  • A green valley, even in winter (it means while the mountain is snowy, some parts of the river never freeze, pretty cool, huh ?)
  • Flux Stone (a lot of it)
  • A lot of different metals and gems
  • Nice, open caverns (not a stupid maze like in default world-gen)
  • At least 15 layers before the first cavern
  • A montain to go up
  • A nice terrain to explore, hunt and make fortifications and towers
  • A LOT of biomes : Calm, Joyously wild, Sinister, Haunted, Terrifying which means Good & Evil at the same place, and a lot of savagery
  • All neighbors are ok, and no war with the elves
  • A powerful dwarf civilization : "The Crazy Works" (no bituminous coal, but they have lignite and coke)
  • A demonic fortress on my map to have a lot of fun in the underground (having this one + the rest was a pain in the ass)
  • A lot of raw adamantine near HFS
  • A 5*5 spot at MAX to avoid performance issues (still runs at 150 FPS on my laptop for a few days of playing, so it's ok)
  • A balanced climate

It only lacks bituminous coal, but with trees and a volcano it should'nt be a problem.

Behold ! Here is my gift to the dwarven gods of blood : a nice world map, (and not an initial save) to let you customize your embark preferences !

You can easily find the spot using this screenshot :

Now, here is a list of the 5 AWESOME biomes involved here :

And last but not least, a giant screenshot of the ground area in summer :
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 The perfect spot (v 1.0)  » posted by cr4zyd on Apr 24, 2011, 11:13:53 am
oh my goodness :shock: this is pretty, thank you
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 The perfect spot (v 1.0)  » posted by CptFastbreak on Jun 11, 2011, 02:40:16 pm
It's a very nice spot which probably saved me hours of worldgen. I especially like how the cave is not freakily distributed over every underground level, so that I can build large mausoleums, dining halls and stuff. Just two minor points of criticism: there seem to be largely gold and iron, I didn't find much other metal, but that's more of a general problem with the recent versions. And there's a bit of a lack of gobbo sieges, I had one pitiful attempt and one ambush so far - but a minotaur and a dragon at least came.

Overall a very nice spot, ++ for effort.

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