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 Dwarf Fortress File Depot » Minor Mods » Umiman's Community Threat Mod
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File Listing: Umiman's Community Threat Mod
Last Updated: May 25, 2008, 06:48:39 pm
File version: 0.1
For DF version: Multiple
Downloads: 276 Size: 3 KB
Views: 1,249 Type: RAR
Home:  Forum Thread
Rating (0 votes): Unrated
Awhile back I asked the community to contribute to fill out the threat.txt which is used in adventurer when someone threatens you. I.e: in vanilla, when you face a megabeast or someone who has killed a named creature, they will talk about who they killed and then say, "prepare to die!!!". That's all they said. Boring. This compilation has some of the best threats compiled from that thread (that don't break the illusion of the game... much) and should make killing things too proud of their own achievements a lot more fun.

Includes over 100 new threats

- The mod should be universal. I.E: if someone were to use this mod in conjuction of others, they should not only be compatible, but not break the illusion.
- The mod should be in the vein of the Dwarf Fortress universe and not break the illusion that you are in it (except in rare cases of comedy).
- The mod should be as descriptively neutral as possible and so work for goblins just as it would for elves or dwarves so as to not break the illusion.
- Try to put things Toady would have put in if he had the time.
- Only focus on what the mod is supposed to do. Hence, my threat mod will not do anything except add threats.
- Maintain the illusion.
Raw Data: JSON / Text
Checksum / Hash
SHA-256: e12fb743d6a07ba075f8625dd709516d81ae011437e4bfa4f24352777c07f70a
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   » posted by umiman on May 26, 2008, 06:10:42 am
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   » posted by umiman on May 26, 2008, 06:11:31 am

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