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 Dwarf Fortress File Depot » Major Mods » Ultimate Fortress Mod 40d
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File Listing: Ultimate Fortress Mod 40d
Last Updated: Jan 28, 2010, 11:18:36 pm
First Created: Jan 16, 2010, 01:16:21 pm
File version: 1.1c
For DF version:
Downloads: 301 (482) Size: 795 KB
Views: 1,951 (2,165) Type: ZIP
Rating (0 votes): Unrated
A mod that I created from my own ideas, other games, and those taken from countless other mods. Adds a large amount of new civilizations, creatures, and wildlife.

Complete List at

1) Replace the objects/raw folder
2) Replace the data/speech folder

Creds to
- Great Cthulhu
- Imapler
- 3 Dwarven
- 6 Elven
- 16 Human
- 5 Adventure
- 4 Angel/Seraph
- 2 Wizard
- 2 Goblin
- 7 Laguz
- 1 Aracnathid
- 2 Mercenary
- 4 Undead
- 1 Orc
- 6 Inhuman
- 3 Creature
- 1 Pentaped
- 1 Hellspawn
- 1 Musician
- 2 Kobold
- 1 Insect Human
- 1 Dryad
- 1 Cardon
- 1 Ancient
1 civ, 3 adventure
4 adventure
4 adventure
5 adventure
2 adventure
2 adventure
1 adventure
6 adventure
1 adventure
2 adventure
2 adventure
1 adventure
Powerful; 2 are sterile
Powerful Fighting civs
Plant/Rock/Ice based
Intelligent Animals
5-legged Monsters
Winged, Arctic demons
Feathered lizard; nonfighters
Giant Bugs
Powerful weapon, sterile, babysnatchers
Creature Changes
- Tons of new wildlife
- Lots of new dangerous creatures
- Body changes
- More Megabeasts/Semimegabeasts
- Countless new vermin
- Wild automatons
- Powerful elementals
- More HFS creatures

Plant Changes
- Much longer growing times (multiple seasons)
- All underground except cave bees plantable year round
- Underground plants take almost twice as long to grow
- New alcohols/extracts
- Rare flowers that take years to grow, but with expensive extracts
- New volcano only plant that allows glass making

Stone Changes
- Several new stones
- Added boiling/melting/spec_heat points (more magma-resistant stone)
- Lots of new ores
- A few new gems
- In-game tiles allow quick evaluation of stones value/attributes
- Gas pockets in metamorphic stone
- Rock/Sea salt, which can be compacted to an edible salt block
- Dried Peat, which can be turned into fuel
- All stones are economic
- Lava safe is viewable in the economic screen

Metal Changes
- Incorporated Impaler's Metals with a few changes
- Tempered Crystal, strong, made from rock crystal
- Ice can be made into metal that melts at room temperature
- More realistic damage values
- No more 'ore' reactions

Wood Changes
- New rare wood that can be forged into a small amount of steel
- Crystallized syrup can be extracted from maple wood
- A few new trees

Item Changes
- Thousands of new toys
- Weapons that train each job
- Lots of new weapons/armor/shields
- Magic weapons for some races
- Legendary weapons that are only dropped by chests, which are rare creatures
- Many new unique trap components
- Most races have something only they can make/trade
- Underclothing/lots of new clothing

Speech Changes
- Loads of new taunts
- More racial specific gloating
- Improved conversations

Other Changes
- Anvil making reaction
- Glass color plant, growable underground in deserts
- Colored Glass, made from clear glass and glass color plant
- Metal wagons, which can carry more
- Lots of new engravings
Raw Data: JSON / Text
Checksum / Hash
SHA-256: ac626831e1429cde9d0a3daae1cfd5f2f320236da4dfe83b4af1e0ef8b4e7a66
IP: logged
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