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 Dwarf Fortress File Depot » Bugged Saves » Bugged undead Liaison
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File Listing: Bugged undead Liaison
Last Updated: Jul 22, 2024, 06:07:06 pm
File version: 50.13
For DF version: 50.13
Downloads: 1 Size: 777.81 MB
Views: 1,001 Type: ZIP
Rating (0 votes): Unrated
Iv created a fort for the steam version of dwarf fortress , on the current patch with no mods. during autumn a liaison from my civilization comes to visit, she is undead and extremely bugged, She is a Damned corpse baroness and looking at her causes the game to crash , looking at the creature menu while she is on the map causes the game to crash and worst of all if she interacts with (seemingly) any other creature on the map including the trade caravan she came with the game will crash. id really like to continue this save but it seems unsalvageable, but perhaps someone can look at these files and determine a problem.
Raw Data: JSON / Text
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SHA-256: 336341728d1798dd0d2efa5952f2f84547e66cd5887e12b9ac9bf9a23f405a86
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