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 Dwarf Fortress File Depot » Bugged Saves » F.B stuck on map bottom constantly in combat
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File Listing: F.B stuck on map bottom constantly in combat
Last Updated: Jul 28, 2023, 06:21:13 pm
File version: Unspecified
For DF version: 50.08
Downloads: 9 Size: 36.46 MB
Views: 146 Type: ZIP
Rating (0 votes): Unrated
This is mostly just weird and annoying. The combat log coming up for this constantly at least has the decency to not make noises or I absolutely would have gone insane by now.

Not sure how the poor thing got there but it's been stuck down there for something like 5+ years of the fort's life. The alerts popping up only started happening for the past 2-ish years of the fort. It won't die due to being made of a magma safe material (green glass) but can't get out for one reason or another. And it's at the bottom of the map. The save should just load up at where the beast is but if not just follow the combat log for a Forgotten Beast fighting.

There's actually a SECOND one made of crystal glass in the same overall situation but that one's not flailing around or stuck in anything so it's not setting off combat alerts. Still really funny that the whole scenario happened twice though :shock: I almost feel sorry for them haha

Currently running this save on 50.08. Mods folder included.
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