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 Dwarf Fortress File Depot » Community Games » Testing save - 500 dwarfs 16x1
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File Listing: Testing save - 500 dwarfs 16x1
Last Updated: Mar 14, 2023, 07:07:39 am
File version: Unspecified
For DF version: 50.06
Downloads: 9 Size: 47.35 MB
Views: 152 Type: ZIP
Rating (0 votes): Unrated
1/2 testing save for the purpose of showing no gains with spreading 500 dwarves through 4 z-levels separated by 26+ tiles. This one covers a scenario with 500 dwarves on one 16x1 embark area level, checkerboarded.

Enabling debug mode highly advised (for advanced users)

Debug tools in structure:
- debug_noberserk
- debug_nodrink
- debug_noeat
- debug_nomoods
- debug_nosleep
- debug_fastmining

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