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 Dwarf Fortress File Depot » Community Games » Testing save - 1000 dwarfs 10 years old embark
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File Listing: Testing save - 1000 dwarfs 10 years old embark
Last Updated: Mar 13, 2023, 10:52:31 am
File version: Unspecified
For DF version: 50.06
Downloads: 24 Size: 36.63 MB
Views: 236 Type: ZIP
Rating (0 votes): Unrated
An embark made to test DF capabilities of handling huge amounts of dorfs. A 10 years old embark on a mostly standard small region worldgen (increased spaces between caverns, higher temperature and less rain for more deserts), populated 10 years from embark with 1000 dwarves.

Enabling debug mode highly advised (for advanced users)

Debug tools in structure:
- debug_noberserk
- debug_nodrink
- debug_noeat
- debug_nomoods
- debug_nosleep
- debug_fastmining

But it should run for a few days without dorfs going crazy.

There is no production, no food, nothing, just dwarves running left and right and calculating their LoS.

52 fps achievable on i7-12700k and 6ghz DDR5 RAM.

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