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 Dwarf Fortress File Depot » Bugged Saves » Crash to desktop on loading the game
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File Listing: Crash to desktop on loading the game
Last Updated: Dec 28, 2022, 08:52:52 am
File version: Unspecified
For DF version: 50.04
Downloads: 12 Size: 193.64 MB
Views: 99 Type: RAR
Rating (0 votes): Unrated
As of today (Dec 28th 22) the game crashes to desktop when loading the latest fortress. It gets to the 'Loading units' section, then just crashes out with no debug report. Same for the latest auto-save.
Not using any mods.

The fort is 10+h or so old, one crash during play, not sure why, recovered from the auto-save.
Notable events from the previous day, reached the magma sea, fended off a goblin siege but lost a number of goblins & dwarfs in the river next to the bridge, all marked forbidden atm.

Raw Data: JSON / Text
Checksum / Hash
SHA-256: 8af33d780dc30e3d87ac175f953b539137c69ef345aa0eb0d217d9c1b2895512
IP: logged
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