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 Dwarf Fortress File Depot » Major Mods » Dungeon Fortress v.0.4.7
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File Listing: Dungeon Fortress v.0.4.7
Last Updated: Nov 20, 2014, 05:23:50 pm
First Created: Nov 08, 2014, 04:20:19 pm
File version: v 0.4.7
For DF version: 0.40.14
Downloads: 164 (193) Size: 115.4 KB
Views: 498 (770) Type: ZIP
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Rating (0 votes): Unrated
Armok, Lord of Blood, did gaze upon the world and he was displeased. Blood flowed no more from ye gates of ye dwarven settlements, ye elven cities or ye human hamlets. And then came unto him a powerful demigod, Gary Gygax, and he spake unto Armok, and he did suggest to create new life of terrible power. And Armok was pleased with Gygax, and he did take a mortal of malicious mind and twisted thoughts, Illogical_Blox, and he told unto him to create new life with ye powers that Armok did grant him, and Illogical_Blox quoth, "oh Lord, give me five score years, and I shall have restored ye rivers of blood."

And Armok did wait five score years, and then he gazed upon ye world, and he was pleased, for ye blood did flow again with mighty force.

Piscesi chant terrible prayers to their flesh-hungry god; Duegar cackle maliciously and summon terrible beasts from Hell itself; Illithids scheme in enslaving cities; Bullywugs gurgle and croak in their foul swamps - only a taste of Dungeon Fortress once it is complete.

Current Goals:
Create Piscesi (complete)
Code new workshops and reactions (started)
Create megabeasts (started, two so far)
Create animals (started, several done)
Create domestic animals (Piscesi animals largely finished)

Piscesi (playable) - half-fish, half-men, they worship a terrible carp god. Males, about 5 times more common than females, are smaller than dwarves, whereas females are larger. Totemists (always male) are basically administrators. Minnowkin are tiny, gender-less little creeps who are extremely agile, so are great archers. Their pets include needlefang drakes, gorgons and other scaly creatures. They can sift sand to find parts of deadly legendary weapons.

Duegar (playable) - dark dwarves with a natural quill attack. They have a Hellraiser caste with a fire attack (as a result, they are currently fire-immune.) They have a natural connection to Hell (i.e. the HFS), and as a result, have pets like hellhounds. They will eventually be able to summon new pets.

Illithids (playable?) - tall, dangerous mind flayers with some of the most powerful natural attacks. They are, however, weak and clumsy.

Bullywugs (playable?) - ugly little frogmen that pollute wherever they go. They hate everyone, even kobolds. They can manipulate weeds to grow into clothes and weaponry.

Yuan-ti - scaly snake-like men who use quiet, behind-the-scenes force to get what they want. They have a deadly bite.

Primitive Civilizations - Ogres (basically much more dangerous kobolds.)

Dire creatures - 1.5 times the size of normal creatures, that will eat food and drink booze. They also like fighting, and have a slight value modifier. Currently in bear, boar and wolf form.

Woad Wood - intelligent trees who will attack you for daring to chop down trees.

Crawling Head - the undead head of giant. They are able to raise the dead (but currently neither undead nor able to raise the dead.) :lol:

Gelatinous Cube - a green cube of slime. Quite large, and it takes a considerable time to kill. It is not dangerous to ARMOURED creatures.

General - dire animals are aggressive, so kill them quickly. Gelatinous cubes, in arena testing, killed shieldless people ONE HUNDRED percent of the time, but never killed people with shields.

Piscesi - Piscesi like fighting, so be careful to keep civvies away from dangerous creatures, or else they will mob them. Piscesi grow up faster than dwarves, but have not yet reached full size when they become adults. They have access to a lot of slash 'n' stab weaponry, best against fleshy creatures. They OUGHT to be able to eat sapient kills.

Duegar - n/a


v. 0.4.7
- added Minotaurs
- altered a load of nobles, probably breaking saves
- altered salamanders to correct their venom
- changed kilts

v. 0.4.3
- fixed lots of mistakes, omissions and errors
- added Remorhai, Giant Ants & Nothics
- implemented several testing features

v. 0.4
- changed a lot of stuff within entities (you might need to regen]
- added salamanders, beholders & catoblepai (they are not yet as dangerous as their description implies)
- nerfed Bile Spider goblins
- gave Ogres more dangerous weaponry
- added the "Magically Compress Rock Into Slade" reaction. It currently does not work.
- fixed several embarrassing errors and ommisions from the large and dire beasts.
- adjusted creature populations

v. 0.3.5
- nerfed Chosen of Armok (dwarven caste) and made them rarer.
- Crawling Heads can now raise the dead (possibly) and are undead themselves.
- made Eladrin civilizations appear in the world
- made kilts actually be worn as pants
- altered Duegar and Piscesi ethics
- extended the lifespan of ogres
- added Howler Bees

Now, if anyone wants to help, please post on Bay12 or here! I could do with another pair of hands, mainly with . Also, it would be REALLY fantastic if there was someone capable and willing to create a texture pack.
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