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 Dwarf Fortress File Depot » Minor Mods » Scorpius Race updated for 0.40.03
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File Listing: Scorpius Race updated for 0.40.03
Last Updated: Oct 06, 2015, 07:15:14 am
First Created: Jul 11, 2014, 01:15:23 am
File version: beta
For DF version: 0.40.03
Downloads: 44 (57) Size: 409.2 KB
Views: 336 (430) Type: 7Z
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Rating (0 votes): Unrated
Here is my scorpion-like humanoid race the Scorpius that I've been working on for a long time (rerelease for new dwarf fortress 0.40.02 includes my blowgun mod) currently requires requires lucelle weapons and armour (drow-like race minus the spider parts add armor,extremely tough exoskeleton, and features of scorpions with painful poison). Fun race to use in the current release but currently far stronger then dwarfs (they lack bones though so a organized strike against one seems effective and stats where based on strength of stone dwarf from genesis mod. Enjoy being devoured my them if you go to war against them.

Readme and changlog copy:
copy the raw folder at the base level of dwarf fortress 0.40.03
--merged my blowgun mod into it
requires lucelle weapons and armour mod and latest dwarf fortress

thanks to kwd1968 for help on fixing errors when I first started mod, many who have helped my out with my mod, and modders in the community that I have borrowed ideas from.
This has be in development for a while and features a Giant humanoid scorpion like that shares some biological features as scorpions including no skeleton only layers of exoskeleton.
(dense tendons that have equal resistant as outer layer I have recently added to fix nerves being severed to easily and make them handle world gen better)

My new interactions don't work yet if anyone can help me fix up they I would be greatful.
Still need to figure out how to convert any data I can find some I can create some toxic materials to cast spells with.
Nerfs to come and changes to come :P.
interactions not working yet plus I need to create or find a inorganics for the poisonmancer spells. Current State of interactions outside of the raw folder.
Version 0.711 currently

(note the scorpius race has a tendency of becoming necromancers because of their gods of death and are powerful enough to rip the arms off an unarmored dwarf)

change log
June 22 2012 made so adjustments to Scorpius Venom and material template files
fixed the remaining error in body details
.... some other things I might of forgot *basically nerfed the scorpius and add added stuff to venom and adjusted the venom to make more interesting (the venom is not meant to be to lethal but is debilitating and painful)
1 hour later fixed typos in material_template_scorpius file and nerfed it down a bit

July 11, 2014
updated to work with version 0.40.02 of dwarf fortress, removed the dependancies to Genesis mod, using armor and weapons from lucelle weapons and armour (required for now but dependancy can be removed with simple edit of a raw file), many changes balance tweaks resizing of race to only twice the size of human, new tweaked interactions, other stuff that I've not listed.

Tweaked stat values to have diminishing returns, tweaked venoms, added new tags to scorpius, added [PREVENTS_PARENT_COLLAPSE] many of the scorpius parts and to the skulls, changed so spit venom requires half a day to recharge,

Just to note it seems that with the current racial stats they seem to trade and work with many races (including goblins :P) unless someone goes to war with them and they have a tendency to make their homes in places no one else dares since they have tough chiten and resist weather well

If you reading this then I'll tell you that the files outside of raw folder are plans for mod or older versions of such

I included a copy of the generated world (made with perfectworldgen) that I made in the included worldgen file

July 15, 2014
Fixed the temperature points of chasm scorpion
Halved most of the densities of my custom mats to reduce the problem of smashing things to gore.
Going to create flying supernatural warrior varient of scorpius that uses cold mist blasts but still is not finished enough to use yet

July 16, 2014
Made changes to entity file
removed underground as start biome
added new variable positions
start biomes are now only tundra and mountain (underground does not work yet for civs)
exclusive start is still the same but likely has no effect but not harmful either

July 18, 2014
updated tags of the 2 included pets to have the new attack system and added a few natural skills to chasm scorpion to match with scorpius
minor change in body detail scorpius and chasm scorpions detail plan now has 1 more layer of fat for extra food storage
Raw Data: JSON / Text
Checksum / Hash
SHA-256: a5afb27ce5e4faace65139f574b1b96e2af254e325b4a3379c24d6c21cd48a24
IP: logged
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