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File Listing: Eternal Halls - end of PTTG's Game
Last Updated: Aug 18, 2008, 11:57:35 am
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Log of 'PTTG' Isonathel, Woodburner

8th Obsidian, 105
What a party! Well, it's the new year, and apparently I'm going to be in charge for a while! This is going to be great! I'll get myself a nice new room and drink only the best ales, it's a dream come tr~

Blast! Zulgar the Mayor "mandates" that Turtle Shell Items! AND give him a private dining hall. AND annother chest. Well, I guess it's not all fun an~

And NOW the stockpiles records are out of date!

Bah! Just as I get everyone organized, Zulgar throws a party in the well-room! I have half a mind to disband all these party halls. Well, I do have an idea for something that will be a grand addition here; and soon I will put it in motion. We will need pumps...

11th Granite
Well things have been going well on my project, but elsewhere it seems that these are the laziest dwarves I have seen this side of a mirror. No one is doing thier jobs, yet they complain about the lack of work! The new manager I appointed has yet to prepare a single job order, yet does he come tell me he needs an office? NO! Meanwhile we're drowning in turtle shell and I've had to go down and force the crafters to work myself!

The elves have arrived. The first thing Zulgar does? He forbids we let the elves leave with any shields. What does this dwarf want with a pile of terrible wooden shields? We can't even burn them for fuel! I'll have them dumped in the magma.

Trading with the elves went well; up until we offered a crate of silk to them. Apparently, they can't stand to so much as have a wooden bin be made of lumber. Oh, good news is that they only had one shield. If we hadn't had taken it beforehand, we would have needed to kill them to satisfy Zulgar.

7th Slate
Digging has slowed on my great project, but I have achived what some said could not be done; I have ensured that the entire population of the fortress is working; and I have locked up the various menagerie of animals that has been wandering around permanently and have started having them slaughtered. Cats, dogs, horses, whatever it is it will be eaten!

Soon all the digging will be done and the pumping can begin! I'll admit that there are some risks to my plan, but I think that this will work. Perhaps I'll have Zulgar test it.

4th Felsite
Well, one of the peasants has had annother child. Somehow, I feel that this will make things go even slower than they do now...

The Baron has arrived; these lands are now a barronry. Curses! Now I will have to prepare rooms for the baron and his accociation; this will take needed workers away from my project. Well, perhaps these will distract Zulgar from his normal duties, which can only be good for me.

12th Hematite
In the past weeks we have almost completed the preparation of my project and soon it will be ready for filling. However, due to the incresed activity at the cave river area, we where attacked by the dezidens of the river. During the confused fighting, Aqizzar became tangled in a frogman and the two fell in to the churning waters. We do not know what happened after that point, but several minutes later, the water became red with blood - fish blood. Then, with a spash and a gasp, Aquizzar pulled himself, unscathed, from the stairwell into the water.

the last 12 days have been extrodinarily hectic. First, the Humans Siege. Well and good enough, we can cut them down and smelt thier armor quite easily. THEN the moron fisher is attacked by a frogman AGAIN. When I go to inspect on that, then I notice that someone has started the pumps for my project prematurely; flooding that room and sending the slightest rivlets down, down down, right into the heart of the fortress; this treatens to flood the access to the wehiels powering the pumps, thus making the whole thing impossible to stop. I order the only thing we still have access to destroyed; a small gear system that will destroy the watermills when removed, and hope that the slaggars can take care of that before we're all swimming. Meanwhile, the humans are marching back and forth before the walls. I send out quizzar's squad and the humans march no more. Now, while all this is happening, the barroness's consort DEMANDS that we cut three large gems. What does he expect? You can't just make that sort of thing happen! Ohh, I might have to get those two to visit my project NOW. Or, perhaps, have them taken on a fishing trip.

I've ordered all the metal the humans brough melted in the forges, and anything else to be incinerated in the magma. they will be made to be usefull.

We've had no losses, but two marksdwarves have lost limbs in the fighting. They'll make good meatshields for the melee dwarves, but not much else.

16th Malachite
Things have been quiet, now. The nobles have demanding so much, but I plan to give them some private rooms without all the inconvieniaces of doors and beds soon. The project, despite the setbacks, is now ready for unvieling, but if I give it some time, it will be all the more impressive.
Today's buisiness is that as the miners where digging allong an experimental shaft, they discovered we walls- but this is distant from the river, and far below the surface. I will have them find the source of the moisture immediately.

the surpluss population of this fortress is appalling. Perhaps I shall have a Dwarven Blender built...

Things have been peacefully chaotic, but the fortress has been holding together well. The Count's quarters are being engraved, and surprisingly enough, SUPER MASON Tulon Storlutgeshund went into a mood and produced a gloryous throne for the count's throne room. Dispite this, the count still is unsatisfied with his quarters... hmm, we do have those caged frogmen in that exellent cage; and several masterpiece mechanisms. perhaps his room just needs some sprucing up!

I've grown tired of repeated attacks from the river creatures; I've done what I can to elimintate thier main access while I improve the last few mechanisms for my project's pump area.

23rd Galena
Mostly passing time for now; waiting for new developments. Today one of the woodcutters gave birth to a girl.

10th limestone
I've seen the Hammerer talking with the increasingly annoying counts and so on. I don't know what they are planning, but I don' think it will be good. I've sent the hammer to a new home down in the forest, away from the fortress. We can, if nessicary, lock him there should he prove to be a problem.
In better news; I have been working on building a stone road to the trade routes, and we have been successfull; we even had cut stones left over to build a modest arch over the road.

It is now time to present my project: The Cave Garden:
[img go here]Using the pumps, the great chamber is filled with water, which can then be drained and time given to alow new plants to grow. I will be detailing this further, soon. 15th The traders have arrived from the mountainhomes. This is good; for the first time this year, we may be able to trade with someone practical. I'll have th~ SIEGE! Gobilins! Right on the heels of the traders! I will leave them to suffer whatever fate befalls them; I'm sealing te fortress. After we've had time to prepare, then we will go forth and smite them. Scouts report that these goblins are lead by- an ELF!?!! What has this world come to?! If, somehow, we fall to this seige, I will throw myself into the river to escape that ruthless dwarf-eater! 16th Ah- ha ha ha ha! The punny, misbegotten elf was smashed into paste by some lowly caravan-guard. There are still many goblins remaining, but the petty things will fall quickly to out warriors. As the goblins charged, we simply shot them to pieces from within the halls. Now we will head out and destroy those that remain! 17th Annother two squads of goblins had arrived in the siege; they milled around near the northeast; close to the cabin that the Hammer is kept. They soon found it and begain camping around it waiting to attack whomever might be within. The Hammerer, Catten, knew this and barred his door. However, scouts report that he has charged out and attacked the goblins! I have sent the soldiers, but there is no telling if they will make it in time. AND AT THIS TIME, the prissy consort has decided to throw a conniption fit! I'll see to it that s/he? never recovers. [strike]Horray![/strike]Curses! The goblins have slain the hammerer! Perhaps If the soldiers hadn't taken the senic route, or perhaps if they didn't stop for brunch on the way... ah well. It's still inspiring how many goblins where slain by his hand! The squads will clean up out here, while the peasant millitia wipes up the mess made by the consort. Oh, the countess consort has calmed down. Well, I'll keep the militia on him(er?). 24th Sandstone For the past month, I have been biding my time, waiting for work to complete on the cleanup and for the proper time to strike the mad countess consort. Meanwhile, the Cave Garden has continued to flourish. I suspect that as time goes by the future administrators of this fort will be see fit to add on to the garden, and I think I will enjoy strolling the paths below the tower-caps. Ah, and there has been annother birth... 25th The guards found the countess cosort wandering the meeting hall, babling madly. 'Tis a pitty- I had hoped she/he/it would go mad and attack someone; it could have gone out with a bang. I suppose it will starve instead. 4th Timber Well, the Count if finally pleased with his arrangements; I don't know how he's taken the gradual starvation of his consort. 10th Moonstone An Ambush! curse them! 23rd The river beings are attacking rabidly! They are pulling dwarves in and invading like never before! I am sealing all access to the river. And where is the Mayor? In the garden! He must have asked every dawrf in the fortress to meet him there. I'm sealing the doors- weather he is there or not. 6th Opal There have been increasing attacks from both the cave river and outside goblins. I have begun to seal all access to the fortress from both of these locations. I may even brick up the main entrance hall. Theives, kiddnappers, and other villans stalk the surface, now only doing me the favor of cleaning the debris of battle. 13 I have had a miner cause a cave-in in such a way as to seal the cave river's supply shut. Now, the water will drain out, causing the creatueres there to be easy pickings for our military. After we have cleared the valuable bones and corpses from the river channel, we can remove the dam. 3rd Granite Well, I narrowly avoided flooding the fortress and could hardly have brought more suffering to the population. I can firmly say; Mission Accomplished! I turn this fortress over with simple glee for the shock awaiting the next commander. Good luck, you poor fool.[/img]
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